movie! The techniques and the plots are marvelous. I was stunted the entire
movie. Unexpected plots and interesting gadgets. I love the opening as it used
a great technique in putting those names and corporation credits.
people rank this movie as a perfect score 10/10 and so do i. The movie use a
great technique in making it perfect. The storyline was unexpected in some part
of the movies. For example, when Eggsy didnt win the election to become the
replacement of Mr. Callahan as one of the Kingsman. I thought that he will win
because most of time the hero will, but instead he became a disappointment to
the Kingsman. The time when Harry got shot and died on the spot is also one of
the example of unexpected scene.
dont quite understand why the evil person want to makes others kill themselves
while he doesnt even like the feeling of killing people. And what actually
happens to his assistant. Why does she have the knife leg thingy.